Feng Shui Your Life


Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of well-being and harmony.

Experience the inspiring dynamics and actively shape your environment according to the principles of Feng Shui to promote your life goals.

Let yourself be inspired by the powerful interaction and create spaces that reflect your desires and goals.

 Each room becomes a motivating companion on your journey to personal success.


"We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us."

(Winston Churchill)


Consciously or unconsciously, the way we design a space always has an effect on its inhabitants.

Why not use this interaction purposefully to create an environment that not only promotes harmony and well-being but also supports our life goals? 

Let's work together to design spaces that combine well-being and personal development.



As a Feng Shui expert, my goal is to harmonize people and spaces. 

Through the conscious use of shapes, colors, and materials, I show you how to design your home to support your life’s desires and goals.

Together, we create an environment that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also promotes positive energy and harmony.


The Introduction

During the introductory conversation, I learn about your motivation and goals for the Feng Shui consultation.

In which areas of your life do you experience stagnation?

What would you need to lead a life full of happiness and fulfillment?

We discuss your wishes and expectations of me!

The conversation can take place either in person or digitally. Then we explore your home together.


For the written summary of the Feng Shui analysis, I require from you:

+ the floor plan of your house or apartment in DIN-A4 format

+ a compass measurement from the front door

+ as well as the birthdates of all residents of your house/apartment

If you also wish for interior design consultation/shopping advice, I need:

+ a mood board (digital or in paper form) of your personal interior design inspirations


I will design an individualized concept for you with harmonization measures and suggestions for colors, shapes, and materials.

All ideas are prioritized, and we will go through the recommendations together because every change influences all factors of a living space.

Be excited for a tailor-made concept.


The decisive step: Implementation!

Create an atmosphere of harmony and well-being in your home with customized Feng Shui measures that I have developed especially for you.

Manifest your life goals in the rooms, at strategically favorable energy flow points.

Don’t have time? No problem - I am flexible and will be happy to provide you with a customized quote to take carry out the work for you.

We will clarify any remaining questions in the final consultation.



+ Analysis of the property's location

+ Analysis of the floor plan shape

+ Analysis of Qi flow

+ Yin and Yang harmonization

+ Bagua analysis

+ Balancing missing areas

+ Optimizing life areas

+ Harmonizing problematic areas

+ Identifying the heart point of the property

+ Calculation of favorable orientation for the bed and desk  

+ Calculation of individual auspicious direction


I look forward to providing you with a personalized quote for:

- Up to 3 on-site or online consultation sessions

- Written Feng Shui concept

- Colors and interior design



Starting from 10 euros per square meter.



Feng Shui creates a home of ease and harmony

Liebe Marta!
Unsere Wohnung ist dank deiner Ratschläge wunderschön geworden. Du hast aus ihr eine Oase zum Wohlfühlen gemacht. 
Es ist wunderbar, wie du die Gesetze des Feng Shui beherrschst und umsetzt.

Patricia W. Februar 2024

Marilyn M.

Aug. 2022


Die Feng Shui Beratung von und mit Marta war sensationell gut. Sie hat ein unfassbar großes Wissen und versteht es mit ihren tollen Ideen zu inspirieren. Ihre frische Art und ihr Fingerspitzengefühl motivieren sofort los zu legen. Bei uns im Haus konnten wir sehr viel umsetzen und es hat sich vieles nachhaltig zum Vorteil verbessert. Wir haben daraufhin auch unsere Büroräume analysieren und umgestalten lassen. Dragonfly Feng Shui kann ich mit bestem Gewissen weiterempfehlen, was ich auch im Familien und Freundeskreis getan habe, denn ich bin uneingeschränkt begeistert.


Jun 2024

Jürgen Meir ist zertifizierter Life Coach. Er stieß 2015 zu unserer Beratungsfirma dazu, wo er seither als Coaching-Spezialist gerade für den Privatbereich seine Klienten unterstützt.



Tanja Schuster ist ausgebildete Assistentin und Bürofachkraft. Seit 2014 arbeitet sie für unser Unternehmen; sie betreut unsere Klienten und ist zur Stelle, wann immer Probleme oder Fragen aufkommen.

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